terça-feira, 24 de julho de 2012

Nearing death...

Universe, reflection, mind, psychological, history, disturbing, trauma, sea, sea floor, ocean, gods, different realities, drowning, dreaming, fantasy, hope. My characters usually use escapism in their stories, often trying to flee or spending the whole story in other world and trying to get back or to make their fake world real. As in FPY, NINE9, Blindness and The Mage, among other stories, the characters live in anywhere else (Minho's mind and life with his loved, Angeline's mistaken to another planet, Alice fleeing the Underworld and Ronan huge will of leaving). As a matter of fact, all them include fantasy, notions of universe, mind, psychological and reflectional points, disturbs and relate to drowning into different realities. As the characters themselves fall into another world, reality, dream, mind, chase, the reader/watcher also falls with it. It also describes a process of making true, fighting for and/or adapting and embracing the new enviroment. Between my wants as a future filmmaker and/or writer, I wish to focus on the characters drama dealing with the new and respecting it, on the pressure the new environment/condition does to my characters and to make an obscure and surreal appeal in my pieces, to make them all reflects of how changing and chasing aren't easy and how it is uncertain. However my pieces' end may be, I will also focus on debating death and hope in them. 

I see the process of changing and chasing somehow next to the line of death (as a change and a chase may kill its participants). The NINE9 series has an amazing discussion since Angeline knows she want to get back without even giving a chance to the new environment, only trying to get back to her comfort box. As a fact, she reflects on how would that be worthy going back to Earth: her chase would kill her or make happy?

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